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Please pretty please help me fast

  • ktreyb: Region 1: 
    Ordered pair -- (0, 50)
    Explanation: The red region represents solutions to the red line inequality that are not solutions to the blue line. 

    Region 2:
    Ordered pair -- (50, 0)
    Explanation: The purple region represents solutions to both the red line and blue line. 

    Region 3: 
    Ordered pair -- (20, - 10)
    Explanation: The blue region represents solutions to the blue line inequality that are not solutions to the red line.

    Region 4: 
    Ordered pair -- (0, 0)
    Explanation: The white region represents all points/ordered pairs that are not solutions to either inequality. 
Pretty Please Symbols Emoticons

Pretty Please Symbols Emoticons


Pretty Please Symbols Emoticons

Pretty Please Symbols Emoticons


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(DOC) Role Play Script
(DOC) Role Play Script


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