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What was the lawmaking assembly of Virginia?

  • ericrogers1738:
    The Virginia General Assembly is described as "the oldest continuous law-making body in the New World". Its existence dates to the establishment of the Virginia Governor's Council and the House of Burgesses at Jamestown on July 30, 1619. At various times it may have been referred to as the Grand Assembly of Virginia
  • wowtacos:


    The Virginia General Assembly is described as "the oldest continuous law-making body in the New World". Its existence dates to the establishment of the Virginia Governor's Council and the House of Burgesses at Jamestown

Lawmaking at the local level

Lawmaking at the local level


Diagram Of The American Lawmaking Process The Legislative Pr
Diagram Of The American Lawmaking Process The Legislative Pr


Kevin s Cornhole: West Virginia script Full Vinyl
Kevin s Cornhole: West Virginia script Full Vinyl


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